Redwood Private Security CCPA Compliance Notice to Applicants and Employees

We will process your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To review if you are a suitable candidate for the advertised job vacancy;
  • To process potential claims relating to the recruitment process (e.g. discrimination claims, etc.); and
  • To draft employment agreements that will be concluded if you are hired.
  • If applicable and if your explicit consent has been obtained, to include your contact information in an internal data base with potential applicants in order to be able to contact you if a relevant position or role is available.
  • To maintain data in your employee profile for use exclusively as part of an employer-employee relationship.

The provision of your Personal Data is necessary for us to evaluate whether or not you are suitable for the advertised position. If you do not provide us with your Personal Data, we will not be able to include you in the application process.

Your continued use of this applicant tracking system constitutes your understanding and express consent of the above uses of your personal information.

To apply online, start by clicking on the Job Title of interest below.

Search Results:

 7 Job(s) Found
Job Title Location Job Type
HR Recruiter San Bernardino, California Full-Time
Security Shift Supervisor San Jose, California Full-Time
Special Events Security Officer San Jose, California As Needed
Entertainment Venue Officers San Jose, California Full-Time
Armed Park Ranger San Bernardino, California Full and Part-Time
Entertainment Venue Lead Officers San Jose, California Full and Part-Time
Unarmed Security Officer Roseville, California Full-Time